Email Marketing

Stay Connected to customers

email marketing strategy

We know what you are thinking…

“I get 100s of emails a day and look at none of them. Why should I waste time on something that no one will open?”

Mass generated emails that are sent like spam rarely generate results. These go directly to the deleted folder without a second thought.


Well crafted emails – ones that contain content that is relevant to subscribers or individuals that have already engaged with your brand – can drive potential customers directly to your website and generate money for your company in a way that other marketing strategies simply cannot. 

Let’s take a look at why email marketing is still one of the best uses of your marketing time.

“I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.”

Andrea Mignolo

The Value of Email Marketing Strategy

According to MailChimp, the average “open rate” for emails across all the industries they service is 21.33%. On initial review that percentage seems low – but let’s say you have 100 people on your email list. If your emails stay on the average path, roughly 21 people will open each email you send. Whether you are selling a service, requesting donations, or offering a product, getting your message in front of 21 engaged customers is incredibly powerful. Grow your email list and the number of potential customers engaging with your brand grows with it. 

The Marketing Handyman can help you develop email content that integrates with your overall marketing plan and helps your brand accomplish the following:


  • Personalized & Targeted Messaging – With a well-curated email list that you can segment into categories (like “existing and potential customers” or “local and out-of-state customers” ) you can tailor your messages to appeal to a direct audience.
  • Increased Credibility – With regular emails containing useful information, you can continue to build credibility and recognition with your customers – further positioning your business as an expert in your niche. 
  • Gathering Feedback – The ability to fully craft your message comes with a fantastic opportunity to ask for and gather feedback from the best resource – your current customers. Whether you have new product offerings, services provided, or have some general questions, we can ask for those customer opinions over email.
  • Automated Interaction – There are certain messages that are relevant to your customers at specific points in their journey with your brand. Automate those messages and save yourself time without sacrificing the personal touch. 
  • Measurable Results – One of the best values of email marketing is how you can trace almost every action folks take with an email. How many people opened the email, clicked through to your website, took an action on the site – it’s all trackable!

Three Ingredients for Success

The Marketing Handyman Approach

There is both an art and science to email marketing strategy. The Marketing Handyman can coach you through creating these three ingredients every time you design an email, or we can draft and finalize content for your review. By focusing on content with these three ingredients you will engage, inform and drive potential customers to your brand. 



Photos are more powerful than words. Videos are more impactful than photos. Both of these engage your audience and increase your click-through rates and should be featured in your emails.


clear call
to action

If someone is going to take ONE ACTION from reading this email, what should that be? It can be to visit your website, email you back, like your social media profiles, or a slew of other options. Is that prompt clear in the email? 


Subject Line

First impressions are the most important. An engaging subject line can drastically affect how many people open and read your email. Ask a question, give a preview of what’s inside, tell a joke – this is your 10 seconds to make an impression.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Contact The Marketing Handyman today and take a step towards building a better business.

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